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Test Your Luck - Pop Up Game 4!
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By Novella03/25/2024

Tags: SingSnap Music Game

135 Views | 28 Replies | 3 Loves
Test Your Luck - Pop Up Game 4! cover

πŸ€ Test Your Luck - Pop Up Game!

March is all about getting lucky and we will be hosting a few pop-up games during this Luck Filled Month! Keep your eye on the SingSnap Announcement section and any time you see a new thread like this - have fun with us! The winner of each pop-up game will win;

  • 500 SingSnap Credits
  • Their Song will be featured on What's Snappenin' (1000 credit value)
  • πŸ€ Lucky Pop-Up Game 4:

    The game is simple and will be played until someone wins! We're looking for a single word. Can you guess it?

    the challenge is always to do something new
    to give you folkS somethIng fun to do
    it's not always easy, I'll admit that's true
    but if anyoNe is worth it -Β it's you!

    this will be the last pop up Game
    feelS like we'll never be the same
    we're all caught up in moNey And fame
    but Please when you make it, remember our name.

    ➑️ You get ONE guess!

  • Record ANY song and submit the link on this thread
  • Submit your guess with the song link
  • The person who guesses the correct answer will win today's prize!

    πŸ€ Happy Guessing!