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Test Your Luck - Pop Up Game 2!
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By Novella03/11/2024

Tags: SingSnap Music Game

106 Views | 17 Replies | 1 Loves
Test Your Luck - Pop Up Game 2! cover

🍀 Test Your Luck - Pop Up Game!

March is all about getting lucky and we will be hosting a few pop-up games during this Luck Filled Month! Keep your eye on the SingSnap Announcement section and any time you see a new thread like this - have fun with us! The winner of each pop-up game will win;

  • 500 SingSnap Credits
  • Their Song will be featured on What's Snappenin' (1000 credit value)
  • 🍀 Lucky Pop-Up Game 2:

    The game is simple and will be played until someone wins!

    Guess The Duet! The goal is to try and guess the duet I am thinking of. Here are some hints:

    ➡️ The Title Has Three Words
    ➡️ With that said - three is a crowd.

  • Record ANY DUET you think might be the correct one and submit the link on this thread
  • The song must be a fresh recordings with today's date (Just the finished duet)
  • The person who guesses the correct duet will win today's prize!

    🍀 Happy Guessing!