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5 Reasons to Sing Today
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By Sarah07/12/2021

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5 Reasons to Sing Today cover

If you’re looking for some motivation to sing today, you’re reading the right post. There’s no doubt that for most of us, singing is a fantastic way to express ourselves and to relieve stress; but there are a variety of other reasons why you should give your favorite (or brand new) song a shot today. The physiological benefits of singing and music have been explored for centuries, possibly even longer than that, so let’s go ahead and deep dive.


The Physical Benefits

First of all, when it comes to the physical benefits, research shows that the creation of music in any form has been proven to improve breathing, posture, and even muscle tension. The University of Frankfurt conducted a study on the ties between singing and a strong immune system, and found after testing the blood of choir participants before and after a rehearsal, that the number of antibodies had grown significantly.



Scientifically Proven Happiness

When it comes to the effects on one’s happiness, it’s no secret that singing is a natural antidepressant! When you sing, your body releases endorphins which are a brain chemical that makes you feel happier. Although singing solo is very beneficial, singing with a friend or in a group setting is also proven to have positive effects on the mental health of people of all ages. In a study done by the University of East Anglia with patients diagnosed with anxiety and depression, singing in a group setting encouraged socialization as well as a feeling of belonging in the community.



Improve Stress Levels

Especially in today’s day and age with all of the current worldly happenings, it’s very normal for stress levels to be through the roof. The involvement in the creation of music in any form is shown to be extremely relaxing; decreasing the levels of what’s called ‘cortisol’, a stress hormone found in your bloodstream. Again, with the help of endorphins it’s highly likely that belting out a tune will make you feel much better and more relaxed on a stressful day.



A Confidence Boost

Singing boosts your confidence! Stage fright is very common in the music industry, especially when you’ve just begun and are nervous to hear or see what others think of your voice. Realistically, the only cure for stage fright is to overcome your fear by singing in front of an audience; which will likely result in lots of love and praise, in turn resulting in appreciation and after more experience, higher confidence levels. Always remember that it only matters how YOU feel when you sing, and what others think of you is most likely jealousy of the confidence you have.



It’s exercise!

Last but most definitely not least, singing is a fantastic form of exercise. Although it tends to be more beneficial for the disabled, elderly and injured, it’s also a great way for anyone who’s perfectly healthy to improve factors such as the strength of your diaphragm and overall circulation.


It doesn’t matter if you’re good at singing or not; the effects have been beneficial for any person of any age. The moral of the story is to sing if you feel like it, no talent is required whatsoever, and to try starting your day with a song to watch how your mood changes for the better!